Ten Senses Africa (TSA), Kenia

Ten Senses Africa Ltd (TSA) was founded in 2006 with the aim of ensuring that smallholder macadamia farmers in Kenya receive a fair price for their produce and that the middleman is eliminated. Today, Ten Senses Africa works with around 5,000 smallholder farmers (3,000 of them organic) in the Taita Hills and Meru regions around Mount Kenya.
In its own "buying offices" in the fields and using traceability software, TSA buys the macadamia nuts from the farmers, pays them directly via the software and can ensure the traceability of the goods. This eliminates the middleman and leaves more money for the smallholder farmers. The macadamia nuts are purchased at a price that allows the smallholders to improve their standard of living and expand their farms..
Ten Senses Africa has undergone a great development since its foundation: from a small factory in Lukenya in eastern Kenya to today's state-of-the-art processing plant in the Export Processing Zone on the outskirts of the capital Nairobi. The modern high-tech factory now employs around 450 people (80% of whom are female) and can crack and process around 10 tons of nuts a day.

The farmers behind the Macadamias
Discover who they are, where they live, and what working with Pakka means to them.